

I run a range of personal and professional development training in all my specialist therapies.

The difference is that I am a specialist and trainer in all my therapeutic methods and have trained thousands of individuals and professionals including doctors, therapists and healthcare professionals from around the world in NLP, TFT and Hypnotherapy since the late nineties. I am recommended by Dr Richard Bandler for NLP, Dr Roger Callahan for TFT and have been personally recommended clients by Paul McKenna for Hypnotherapy.
My professional training courses are certified to the highest level within their field.

Personal Development Training - this training is ‘one to one’ and tailored specifically to you and how you want to use the different therapies:

‘NLP for Life’ - 2 day or 10 session ‘one to one’ NLP Course designed to help you master your mind and your thinking and develop strategies for your personal and business success.

‘Tapping the Healer Within’ - one day intensive ‘one to one’ TFT training to algorithm level training with the emphasis on you and your personal development.

Email me for more information
or call me on 01603 626477

More Training Courses



General Hypnotherapy Register
National Health Service
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
East Anglian Institute of Hypnotherapy
Norwich Hypnotherapy Practice
Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
National Council of Hypnotherapists
General Hypnotherapy Standards Council
Thought Field Therapy
Freedom Formula
Catalyst For Change
NLP Coaching
About John Plester
Tel 01603 626477